I used a beautiful lace weight alpaca to knit this for Malika. In my mind this is like a long distance hug of fibery goodness.
All done, un-blocked in it's "cat yack" stage. I had to use a contrasting merino lace yarn to bind off the edge because I ran out of the main yarn.
Soaked, squeezed dry, and stretched to within an inch of it's life! Pinned out to dry on our futon. It's beautiful, I love it and can't wait to see how mine comes out.
The yucca leaf pattern that makes up the main part of the shawl.
The agave and flower edging, pinned out to dry in perfect little points.
Another shot of the flower edging.
There are actually little tiny glass beads in the flower that didn't show up in any of these photos. They are very nice and add just a touch of glitz.